Tuesday, November 17, 2009


So there is an under-appreciated music genre called Chiptune aka 8bit music. I personally am a huge fan. Big enough the start making it myself? Indubitably. So I make it on my BLACK Gameboy classic, with the Tracking program known as LSDj (little sound Dj) . Which is a Tracker made especially for the making of Chiptune live on your gameboy. So I found this site Kitsch-Bent that specializes in chiptune supplies. So I purchased a blank GBC cartridge from them and they Flashed the LSDj ROM on it for free! hip hip hoora!

Just thought I'd let you know,

PS if you have any questions on sources or info about CHIPTUNE email me at pkmcollin@gmial.com

1 comment:

  1. cant' wait to hear some when i come up on Saturday. p.s. its hard to read your blog with the grey background...can it be black again? my eyes hurt
